A Day to Life Post – 29!

Exactly one month from now I will complete one full year of this amazing experience of blogging and sharing my thoughts and experiences. Just cannot believe it’s going to a year. Time flies!
Today, I thought of sharing my first blog that I ever posted named Fitness/Health dated 29th September 2012. Hope you all enjoy reading.


Most of the times we people tend to believe that eating healthy is all it takes to live a healthy and a long life. Is that true? Does it really works like that?

What many of us forget that in todays time, in todays world, just by eating healthy is not going to help us at all. We tend to forget that exercise is as important as eating the right kind of food. We read articles in the newspapers, magazines & internet, but how many of us religiously follow it to the “T”. We just read and forget about it.

World is becoming a faster and competitive place, bringing lot of negative aspect for us. Stress, pollution, heart diseases have become very common in this so called faster and competitive world. In the hunger of wanting everything in this world, we are forgetting the world that lives inside us.

We are not giving our bodies enough exercise to do, due to which obesity & arthritis and other back and joint pain problems are a common complaints seen in the younger generation. The long hours of sitting on our office chairs in front of the computers placed on our office desks, the couch in front of the tv are the causes why we suffer all the painful problems.

A little bit of exercise is not going to harm us infact it will only make us feel fresh, energetic and generate new ideas. By exercising for 30 minutes minimum will give & help us consume all the nutrients from the food that we eat. It will only help us live longer without any pains, without the fear of being obese. Whether its early morning or in the night, one must give time to the world which lives inside them, so in return you will have the capacity to work even harder & for a long time .  Take care of the world that resides in you, in return it will help you to get the outer world.

A Day to Life Post – 28!



One thing practicing Nichiren Daishonin buddhism has taught me is to be grateful. Before the practice I would just grumble and crib about every small thing on this earth, but today it’s just the opposite. Within 8 months of being in the practice has changed me, I wouldn’t say completely but it has to some extent. No one’s life is perfect, each one of us have ups and downs, so do I. But today I feel that it’s very important to be grateful. Grateful to the people who are there besides us during our difficult times, grateful to this beautiful life, grateful to our loved ones, making every situation a learning experience, smiling and emerging out as a winner. 

A Day to Life Post – 27!

I have been away for a really long time now and realized how much I missed posting. So here I am! In my recent zadankai (monthly meetings) I was a part of the study group, like always, this time the concept was Earthly Desires are Enlightenment. During the study meetings, there was a lot of too and fro relating to the meaning of this concept. We all had our own version of explaining and understanding what desires really mean to us. It is said that there are some 84000 desires among them anger, stupidity and greed being the 3 poisons. The practice emphasizes on transforming these desires rather than eliminating them. 

Desires could be of anything. We are born with many instinctive desires, including the most vital one, which is the basic desire to live. Since desires are necessary to the maintenance of human life, they are in that sense beneficial. But simply to pursue desires with no higher aim is to become a slave to desire, and this can lead only to misfortune for oneself and others. These desires lead to attachments. Attachments are, after all, natural human feelings, and desires are a vital and necessary aspect of life. These attachments become the fundamental cause of people’s unhappiness. Desires and attachments lead to anger, greed and stupidity. It could be anger or hatred towards someone, or greed for wanting more of something or a greed which in the end turns into stupidity. 

How we transform them is by chanting. By chanting we get the wisdom, wisdom to desire for something, not for ourselves but for our loved ones. Why do we all have different desires? It’s because we all want happiness. So when you see your loved ones happy, automatically you will feel the joy and in the end be happy.

We were 5 of us in the study group and each one of us had some desire which we all shared with other members. We changed our desires with the help of chanting. It did work for me. There was one member who felt hatred and anger towards her certain set of family members, which became the reason for her to join the practice in the first place. She was advised by our senior leaders to chant for their happiness and today she feels at peace and has become a much calmer person. 

We make these desires and attachments the purpose of our life. I feel we should make the desires of our loved ones our life, so once they are fulfilled, obviously you are going to be happy for them and with them. Happiness will only grow!